Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pool Party Update

The party just never stops in NYC!

First off, battle of the sexes a couple weeks ago at the Staten Island Cook Off. The men made all kinds of meat (of course!) including grilled steaks and spaghetti and meatballs. It was topped off with Jungle Juice (my request-and downfall), while the ladies made Sinigang Roast Chicken, Clam Dip, Gourmet Pizzas and Cupcakes.

Meanwhile, at around 2 am Partee Pork decided it would be a good idea to put a beer keg on top of the grill. It exploded and was found on the street the next morning. When asked about his bright idea, he explained he wanted it to be "like a rocket." Very good Partee!

I missed this spectacle, as I did most of the night because I was passed out before midnight. How sad.


Next on the agenda, for me and Cindy at least was the much awaited Rock the Bells at Jones Beach. It took us a couple hours to get there but it was so worth it. Seeing Common, Talib, Wu-Tang, Big Boi, Pete Rock, Nas, Damien Marley and others all in one afternoon was the dopeness.

Talib and Common on one stage = priceless.


Ok, so some of us never even did number 2 (me included) and some haven't turned in anything (I don't wanna mention any names, BANJ) but let's start off clean and do homework numbr 3.

Write down 10 goals or dreams you have for the next five years of your life. No matter how crazy or ridiculous they might sound, as long as you are dead serious about wanting to achieve them. And as a side bar, write down 5 things you wanted to be or do as a child/teenager and let us know if you actually became or did any of those things. If not, well, everyday is a new day and there is still time! :)

Deadline is August 1- a week from now.

Peace Out Party People :)

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